Webinar – Insider’s Scoop: Tax Credits & Incentives
What to Expect
Join us for a 60-minute virtual presentation about the many tax credits and incentives to help you relieve your tax burden:
- Inflation Reduction Act Tax Credits
- Disabled Access Tax Credit
- Small Employer Pension Plan Tax Credit
- Small Employer Health Insurance Tax Credit
- PA Educational Improvement Tax Credit
- PA Opportunity Scholarship Tax Credit
- Research & Development Tax Credit
- Low-Income Housing Tax Credit
- Historical Rehabilitation Tax Credit
- Work Opportunity Tax Credit
- New Market Credit
- Qualified Opportunity Zones
- Keystone Opportunity Zones
Webinar Speakers
- Jeff Silver - Member (Partner)
- John J. Campbell III
- Amy Stumhofer
- Cynthia Ragen
- Ernest J. Mozer, Jr.
- Carrie Goodman - Senior Accountant
Any questions, contact Jill Lock, Director of Marketing, or call (484) 434-2032.